Are you most of the time hard on yourself?

by | Mar 13, 2023 | My Stories

No matter how much you are achieving you do not feel good enough?
Are you often doubting yourself?

Good news is that you were not born with that. You created that feeling in your childhood when you were judged or criticised.

Ask yourself:
– Who’s critical voice did you internalise?
– Did you connect criticism with love?
– Are you using it for self-protection?

It might surprise you, but confidence does not come from accomplishments, nor from playing a role.

It is coming from being & accepting who you truly are.

Even if you get validation from outside you will still devaluate it within yourself.
Can you relate to that?

If your answer is YES to any of my questions, it is time to reprogram your brain:

1 .Forgive the person who you are imitating as your inner voice and let go of the idea that his/her judgement determines your worth.

2. Change your critical voice and start talking kind to yourself.

3. Develop a better relationship with yourself and treat yourself well.

❓What is one thing you are good at giving to others but you are not giving it to yourself❓👇

#confidence #innervoice #mensmentalhealth


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