Are you sometimes waiting for the weekend to end to focus on work again?

by | Mar 27, 2023 | My Stories

Do you often experience tension on your way back home?

Are you feeling lonely sometimes, even if you are not alone?

If your answer is YES and you have a partner who you love, I invite you to check the following:

1. Does your partner feel seen?
(Is she praised and do you look into her eyes often?)

2. Does she feel understood by you?
(Are you present, listening to her actively without problem solving all the time?)

3. Do you make your partner feel safe?
(Are you calm, grounded and connected to yourself?)

4. Are you often criticised by your partner? (Do you feel her admiration, do you feel you can be her “hero”?)

5. Is your partner opening up to you, sharing her feelings and deepest thoughts with you?
(Or is she closing up as soon as life gets difficult?)

6. Is your partner controlling you?
(Or there is trust, freedom and peace in the relationship?)

According to Tony Robbins these are the main factors which differenciate a fulfilling relationship from a draining one.

I hope you will take time today to self-reflect and to take responsibility for how you are as a couple.

You deserve to be in a healthy relationship, just as your beloved partner.

#menswork #relationshipcoaching #heretohelp


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