I have a family, friends, a good job/ title, enough money, I am healthy..

by | Mar 7, 2023 | My Stories

“I have a family, friends, a good job/ title, enough money, I am healthy.. others would be happy for what I have. I should not be complaining. “

So many successful men are thinking like this..

Yes, you, I hear you.

Yes, you have all the rights to complain and admit something is not right.

Yes, I understand , you covered everything society defined as happiness. Well done!

But how do you feel in your daily life?
Do you feel inner peace, joy, compassion or true fulfillment?

Or is there something much more important missing?

Honesty and awareness is the first step.

Look into the mirror and work on yourself to get your amazing life energy back!

You are worth it.

#createyourlife #feelingsmatter #mensmentalhealth #mensretreat


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