Why ManCoaching? I am often asked..

by | Mar 14, 2023 | My Stories

Because I believe this world needs more balanced, fulfilled and joyful men, not only busy ones.

Where did this go wrong?

  • When boys were taught not to cry and to push away their feelings, so they never learned to process them.
  • When the “superhero” image was created: a man needs to be strong, needs to feel “fine”, should not have problems, neither weaknesses.
  • When boys started to believe they are not good enough, just because they were not appreciated or loved the way they needed by their parents.
  • When society expected from men to take care of their families financially, be successful, work hard, without teaching them to also take care of themselves in a healthy way.
  • When women expected men to always be “manly”, swallow their pain and at the same time express their positive feelings and be romantic.
  • When men where taught that status symbols and certificates will gain them self-confidence.
  • When men started to build their lives to satisfy others: their parents, their partners or society.
  • When men accepted that feeling miserable is O.K.!
  • When men got disconnected from themselves and their beloved ones, hiding behind addictions and the glory of “busy”.
  • When men got confused about their role in their partnership or family.

I see so many people out there, stressed, dealing with anxiety, feeling miserable & hiding all this behind the mask of “success”.

I believe that men deserve a safe space to talk, to learn how to process & express feelings, to find their inner peace.

A world based on equality, vulnerability, acceptance, being human & not superheroes or robots.

A world where men are also able and allowed to take care of their body, mind & soul to live a healthy and fulfilled life.

I am supporting men on their self-development journey towards this change.

Are you also one of them: missing a life of fulfillment or purpose?

Let’s talk and find out how I can serve you the best:
👉 Men’s Retreat- SAVE THE DATE for our next one 27-31 October, in a magical place close to Barcelona.
👉 Men’s Circle- every last Thursday of the month, online
👉 1on1 life coaching, mentoring, online

#mensretreat #menscircles #leadershipdevelopment


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